Example messages

These 'realistic' Slack messages are perfect to be tracked with Paco.

@Alex The new release of translationsvc from Foundational Services team has slowed down my application leading to clients experiencing crashes. I spoke to Mike but he was busy and suggested talking to his TL, Andy. Can you speak to Andy and find a resolution this week? @paco

Needs reminders: yes, Needs escalation: yes, Belongs in JIRA: maybe; Ready to go into JIRA: no Can be tracked with Paco: Yes

@Sameer I'm working on the ROI calculator for our product and I need to verify the calculations with you. Looks like you are out on vacation for 2 days. Can you get this to me when you are back? @paco

Needs reminders: yes, Belongs in JIRA: no Can be tracked with Paco: Yes

/paco Sandy said she'll forward examples on how to use the InstrumentQuery API yesterday. She's a senior dev - I have to reach her at the right time to ask again

Needs reminders: yes, Belongs in JIRA: no Can be tracked with Paco: Yes

@Radha While describing the new reporting module to be used by other teams, Dan and Stu offered some helpful suggestions. I can't yet create a JIRA story, but I need to hear some more details from them before I can proceed. Can you join the next meeting with me? @paco

Needs reminders: yes, Belongs in JIRA: yes, Ready to go into JIRA: no Can be tracked with Paco: Yes

Last updated

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